Dr Gwee Kok Ann
M Med(内科)
魏国安医生,MBBS,FAMS(胃肠病学),FRCP,博士,在 鹰阁 医院执业。 1985年在新加坡国立大学获得医学学位,在新加坡国立大学医院完成胃肠病学培训,在英国和加拿大进修,并因感染后肠易激综合征的论文获得谢菲尔德大学博士学位。
他是肠易激综合征 (IBS) 和便秘方面的权威,是关于 IBS、益生菌用于消化系统疾病、消化不良和便秘的立场文件的主要作者。他是发布功能性胃肠疾病研究和管理国际指南的罗马委员会成员、IBS 支持小组(一个患者自助小组)、ANMA(一个致力于科学和技术的亚洲专家小组组织)的前任主席。神经胃肠病学和运动学实践),并获得 2014 年罗马基金会研究奖。
魏国安医生也是新加坡国立大学的医学兼职副教授。 魏教授就益生菌在临床管理中的作用、感染后 IBS、褪黑激素的作用、睡眠障碍和麸质敏感性在 IBS 中的作用、胃食管反流病的内窥镜评估以及幽门螺杆菌治疗消化不良的效果发表了国际论文.除了胃、肝和肠道疾病的管理外,魏教授还提供消化不良、消化不良、与气体相关的投诉、排便习惯训练和食物不耐受、难治性 GERD 和幽门螺杆菌感染以及小肠细菌的饮食管理等方面的专业知识过度生长。他的特定肝病学兴趣是脂肪肝和戊型肝炎的管理。
Gwee KA. Bowel disturbances following acute gastroenteritis: a psychobiophysiological model for the irritable bowel syndrome. PhD thesis, University of Sheffield, 1997.
Read NW, Celik AF, Gwee KA, Tomlin J. The Colon. In: Current Gastroenterology 1994;14:85-113. Editor: Gary Gitnick. Mosby Year Book, LA.
Survival Guide to Acute Medicine, 1998, section “Constipation”, eds Lee KH, Wong J, Tan CC, Singapore University Press, Singapore.
“Doctor, I’m Worried” 2000, section “Toilet trouble”, eds Kua EH, Goh LG, Times Books International, Singapore.
Gwee KA, McKendrick MW. Management of persistent post-infectious diarrhea. In: Infectious Diseases. 2nd edition. Editors: Armstrong & Cohen. Mosby, London 2003.
Gwee KA. Constipation. In: Management of Chronic Gastroenterological Problems: A Malaysia & Malaysia Singapore Perspective. 4th edition. Editors: Guan, Ho & Ng. Ezyhealth Singapore 2006.
Gwee KA, Read NW. Rolling review: disorders of gastrointestinal motility - therapeutic potentials and limitations. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1994;8:105-118.
Read NW, Gwee KA. The importance of 5-HT receptors in the gut. Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1994;62:159-174.
Kang JY, Gwee KA, Yap I. The colonic air insufflation test indicates a colonic cause of abdominal pain. An aid in the management of irritable bowel syndrome. J Clin Gastroenterol 1994;18:19-22.
Kang JY, Yap I, Gwee KA. The pattern of functional and organic disorders in an Asian gastroenterological clinic. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1994;9:124-127.
Fock KM, Kang JY, Ng HS, Ng TM, Gwee KA, Lim CC. Roxatidine versus ranitidine in the treatment of duodenal ulcers: a randomised double-blind controlled multicentre study in Singapore. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1995;10:379-382.
Gwee KA, Graham JC, McKendrick MW, Collins SM, Marshall JS, Walters SJ, Read NW. Psychometric scores and persistence of irritable bowel after infectious diarrhoea. Lancet 1996;347:150-153.
Gwee KA. Irritable bowel syndrome: psychology, biology, and warfare between false dichotomies. Lancet 1996;347:1267.
14.Yeoh KG, Kang JY, Tay HH, Gwee KA, Tan CC, Wee A, Teh M, Choo HF, Chintana-Wilde W. E. Effect of cisapride on functional dyspepsia in patients with and without histological gastritis: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1997;12:13-18.
Lee HS, Gwee KA, Teng LY, Kang JY, Yeoh KG, Wee A, Chua BC. Validation of 13C-urea breath test for Helicobacter pylori using a simple gas chromatograph-mass selective detector. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1998;10:569-72.
Gwee KA, Leong YL, Graham C, McKendrick MW, Collins SM, SJ Walters, JE Underwood, Read NW. The role of psychological and biological factors in postinfective gut dysfunction. Gut 1999;44:400-6.
Gwee KA. Postinfectious irritable bowel syndrome. Current Treatment Options in Gastroenterology 2001;4:287-291.
Gwee KA, Collins SM, Read NW, Rajnakova A, Deng YK, Graham JC, McKendrick MW, Moochhala SM. Increased rectal mucosal expression of interleukin 1 beta in recently acquired post infectious irritable bowel syndrome. Gut 2003;52:523-6.
Kellow JE, Lee OY, Chang FY, Thongsawat S, Mazlam MZ, Yuen H, Gwee KA, Bak YT, Jones J, Wagner A. An Asia-Pacific, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of tegaserod in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Gut 2003;52:671-6.
Gwee KA, Wee S, Wong ML, Png DJ. The Prevalence, Symptom Characteristics and Impact of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in an Asian Urban Community. Am J Gastroenterology 2004;99:924-31.
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